List of Flights
Please follow the links below to get the PDF files with flight plans and reports provided by the flight planning group for quick look overview of the flight.
The reports contain only the data available during the first day after the flight and are published mainly for the purpose of archiving the flight documentation and decision making process.
For a quick overview of the flight path please have a look at the flight summary animations incorporating sequence of MSG pictures with aircraft position and altitude information.
For the overview about the thunderstorms please have a look at the ATLAS on a climatology of West African Mesoscale Convective Systems available from the AMMA AOC website.
29.07 Geophysica Test Flight in Verona
31.07 Geophysica: Verona - Marrakesh Transfer Flight
01.08 Falcon Oberpfaffenhofen - Marrakesh Transfer Flight
01.08 Falcon Marrakesh - Ouagadougou Transfer Flight
- August 1st Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
01.08 Geophysica Marrakesh - Ouagadougou Transfer Flight
- August 1st Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
04.08 Falcon LRT Flight
- August 4th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
04.08 Geophysica LRT Flight
- August 4th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
06.08 Falcon MCS Outflow Flight
- August 6th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
07.08 Geophysica MCS Flight
- August 7th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
07.08 Falcon MCS Flight
- August 7th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
08.08 Geophysica CALIPSO Flight
- August 8th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
11.08 Falcon MCS Outflow Flight
- August 11th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
11.08 Geophysica MCS Outflow Flight
- August 11th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
13.08 Falcon LRT Flight
- August 13th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
13.08 Geophysica LRT/CALIPSO Flight
- August 13th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
15.08 Falcon MCS Outflow Flight
- August 15th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
15.08 Falcon Local Convection Flight
- August 15th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
16.08 Geophysica Ouagadougou-Marrakesh Transfer Flight
- August 16th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
16.08 Falcon Intercomparison/Local Survey Flight
- August 16th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
17.08 Geophysica Marrakesh-Verona Transfer Flight
18.08 Falcon Ouagadougou-Touzeur Transfer Flight
- August 18th Flight Summary Animation: [GIF] [PDF]
18.08 Falcon Touzeur-Oberpfaffenhofen Transfer Flight